July 9, 2011

Salvation is from the Jews

I highly recommend this short video for people of every faith. Author Roy Schoeman discusses his book "Salvation is from the Jews" with Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Bemis. (A Messianic Jew is one who believes that the promised Messiah is Jesus Christ.) In simple terms, Schoeman explains God's master plan regarding Jews and Gentiles from Abraham to the Second Coming. He exposes the seeds of division that the evil one has planted through the centuries to keep Christians and Jews separated. While I cannot yet comment on the book's theological clarity, I do believe that the author's main message resonates with the Christian belief that God loves us all and that "In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek."  After a long search, Roy found the fullness of his faith in the Catholic Church. Watch the video or, better yet, buy the book. May God bless you and your message, Roy! [Thanks to author Brian Gail for bringing this video to my attention.]