July 3, 2011

The Church's position on Medjugorje

Some have asked me about the Catholic Church's official position on the Medjugorje phenomenon. The answer can only be, "It is still under investigation." However, on August 15, 1993, His Eminence Cardinal Dr. Franjo Kuharic', Archbishop of Zagreb, was quoted in the Croatian, Roman Catholic newspaper, Glas Koncila, saying, "We bishops, after a three-year-long commission study accept Medjugorje as a holy place, as a shrine. This means that we have nothing against it if someone venerates the Mother of God in a manner and in agreement with the teaching and belief of the Church. Therefore, we are leaving that to further study. The Church does not hurry."

Though there has been criticism from two succeeding bishops of that diocese, reportedly, the Vatican has taken control of the investigation. "Interrogations" of the visionaries are believed to be underway, but it is almost impossible to draw official conclusions until the final chapter is revealed. However, Pope John Paul II once famously commented, "Medjugorje, Medjugorje, it is the Spiritual heart of the world."