January 25, 2012


UPDATE: I just received an email from a credible source saying that my original post is not accurate. (She is Ivan's Dragicevic's scheduler in America as is shown at http://www.medjugorje.org/ivanse.htm) So, I want to correct the record. I apologize for spreading the misrepresentation and only wish that Blessed Mother's messages receive the respect that they deserve. Here is the email:

Hi there,
My name is Ana Shawl and work with Ivan and help him with his schedule.  I wanted to write you really quickly and tell you that the message you have on your website is false ok.  I have been getting emails from people asking me about it.  I talked to him this morning and also this evening and these are just rumors.  Many of them seem to come out when it is time for Our Lady’s message on the 25th or just before the anniversary on the 25th of June.

Anyway,  please if you can let people know and take it off of the site, it would really help.  He asked me to make sure I took care of this.

God Bless you and take care


I just received an email that allegedly contains the translation of a January 24 message to Medjugorje's visionary, Ivan Dragicevic. I cannot vouch for the message's authenticity but because of the urgency of its request, I am posting the translation. I will correct the record if it proves to be a fraud.

January 24, 2012 07:55:29 HNE
Urgent message from Our Lady to Ivan:
The war is very near.

Urgent to all.
To Ivan of Medjugorje:

The war in the Middle East will become serious and will spread throughout the world. To stop it, the entire world must pray every minute and fast (soon?). The priests must open the doors of their churches and invite the people to pray the rosary and pray intensely. Pray, pray, pray.

I do not know if the following is allegedly from Our Lady's message or appended to the end of it by the translator. However, this was also stated in the email:

Send this message throughout the world and, above all, put it into practice.
 Every day at 6:30 PM, wherever you may be in the world, stop everything and pray 3 time the Hail Mary.
 It is urgent!

Regardless of whether this message proves to be authentic, Israel desperately needs our prayers. Pray for their peace and world peace.