August 28, 2011

Christian persecutions you don't know

"... a time is coming when anyone who 
kills you will think 
he is offering a service to God."
John 16:2

Who isn't aware of the murderous threats of radical Islamists? After 9/11, we could ignore them no more. But I bet you did not know about the rampages of radical Indian Hindus in recent years. How could so much anti-Christian and, more specifically, anti-Catholic violence receive so little coverage from America's mainstream media? (Never mind. That's a rhetorical question.)

Here are just a few articles on the rapidly escalating incidences of Christian persecutions at the hands of Indian Hindu extremists.

Sisters of Mother Teresa Attacked, Require Police Protection

Please pray for everyone who risks or endures persecution for the love of Christ. Please pray even harder for their persecutors.